Cran-Mar Plaza, 20555 Rte. 19,
Cranberry, PA 16066, USA
(inside Body Beautiful Laser Medi Spa)
Qualifying & Preparation for Treatment
We only use the finest, sterile pigments available. They DO NOT contain Iron Oxide and are MRI Safe.
Even though we combine this with the most advanced application techniques for our permanent makeup procedures some of these procedures need to be repeated because the original application can fade anywhere from 25% to 65%. Individual chemical and genetic makeup can affect the final result.
We cannot accurately predict how much fading you might experience with your procedure.
We sincerely hope that you are one of those lucky individuals who get perfect results with only one application, but this cannot be guaranteed.
Please remember that the amount of pigment you retain or lose after your initial application is not a reflection of the quality of work.
In case your procedure must be repeated, you must wait at least 21 days from the date of your original application.
A TIME FRAME OF LESS THAN 21 DAYS – the tissue is not ready to absorb new pigment. **
Please contact Marcia at 724.680.0048 if you are on any medications for a serious medical condition, if you have any allergies to pigments or dyes, if you had an allergic reaction to a previous tattoo, or if you are prone to keloid scarring. In some cases you may need a doctor’s permission to move forward with a treatment.
You may not receive treatment while you are pregnant.
You may not receive treatment after Botox or filler for at least a month. And do not receive Botox or Filler prior to/after for a month
If you have ever had a cold sore or fever blister and are interested in LIP treatment, then you must get a prescription from your doctor, enough for a total of 2 or maybe 3 procedural applications (4 weeks apart). The three most commonly prescribed drugs for this are: Zovirax, Famvir, and Valtrex. Typically the regimen to follow would be to start taking the medications 3-4 days prior, during, and after your procedure.
If you have had any type of eye surgery, consult with the physician about how long you should wait before having a permanent eyeliner procedure. Most physicians are giving a two (2) month approval after cataract, Lasik, and blepharoplasty.
The area for the procedure must be healthy, strong, non-sensitive, and non-irritated.
If you are unsure if you are a qualified candidate for services, please contact Marcia at 724.680.0048.
Keep in mind the healing time of the procedure.
You will need a few days afterward without social plans or strenuous activity.
Get ahead on your dirty work – no lawn mowing or chores that will get dirt / bacteria on the healing area.
Do NOT have travel plans for the next week following your treatment.
We consider the area to be an open wound that will not be wearing a protective barrier, so we advise all clients not to travel or go to a public place to reduce the risk of infection. This includes amusement parks, picnics, airports, or unsanitary work environments.
Also: 1) you will need healing time – you will not look like you had a makeover at the mall, 2) you will need to avoid sun, wind, and other items listed in the post-care instructions, 3) if you had a question or permanent makeup problem, it would be best to be near your permanent makeup artist and local physician.
1 month before procedure
Discontinue vitamin A / retinol products.
3 weeks before procedure
Do not have Botox.
2 weeks before procedure
Do not tan or have sunburned face.
Do not have any type of facial / peel.
1 week before procedure
Do not pick / tweeze / wax / perform electrolysis.
Do not take fish oil or vitamin E (natural blood thinners).
3 days before procedure
Do not wax or tint your eyebrows.
2 days before procedure
Do not dye or perm eyelashes.
NOTE: To avoid excessive bleeding & poor color deposit
Do not drink alcohol 24 – 48 hours before procedure.
Do not consume coffee before your procedure (causes more bleeding and increases anxiety).
Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen for pain relief (this thins the blood).
Do not work out.
Do not take any blood thinners such as aspirin, Ibuprofen, caffeine, multi-vitamins, or omega fish oil supplements.
Try not to consume coffee, kale or spinach a day or so beforehand.
Antihistamines, like Benadryl, taken before the procedure may reduce swelling and help you relax if you have bad anxiety.
Please remove all makeup, lotions, and tanners on the area to be treated.
Do not wear your good clothes for the procedure because pigment might splatter on them. Pigment washes out of most clothes, but it is not guaranteed.
Wear something comfortable.
Special Note:
Eyeliner Procedures
Benadryl taken one hour before helps eyes be less watery during eyeliner procedures. Watery eyes can dilute the pigment that is being implanted.
We recommend using artificial tears 1-2 hours before procedure. In addition to these eye drops, a steroid eye drop may be prescribed as well.
Bring your prescription glasses (if prescribed contact lenses are worn daily or needed). You must remove contact lenses before procedure and cannot put contact lenses back in until 24 hours after procedure.
Bring sunglasses to wear home. Eyes may be light sensitive.
It is always a good idea to bring someone to drive you home from your appointment in case swelling and eye sensitivity is too intense.
Do NOT use an eyelash curler.
Remember: With the proper before and aftercare routine, you will have much better results with your permanent makeup procedure. Careful aftercare is very important for producing a beautiful and lasting result.
Fading or loss of pigment may occur. Some flaking off of the pigment may occur more on some skin types. Do not be alarmed; it is normal. There should be pigment under the skin where the surface pigment has flaked off. If there is NO pigment there, then a touch-up is needed.
The intensity of color is most prominent following the procedure itself.
Over the next 2-3 weeks the pigment intensity will lighten by 30-50%.
If after one (1) month you feel that certain modifications in the pigmentation need to be made, we will be happy to discuss this with you.
As the procedure area heals, the color will lighten and sometimes disappear in places. This can all be addressed during the touch up appointment, which is why a touch up may be necessary. The procedure area must heal completely before we can address any concerns. Healing takes about 4 weeks.
Too dark and slightly uneven appearance. After 2-7 days, the darkness will fade and once any swelling dissipates unevenness usually disappears. If it is too dark or still a bit uneven after 4 weeks, then we will make adjustments during the touch up appointment.
A touch up may be needed a month later. A touch up may be needed once or twice a year after the first touch up procedure, depending on your skin, medications, and sun exposure. We recommend the first touch up 30 day after the first session. Therefore, every 6 months to a year to keep them looking fresh and beautiful.
For SWELLING & BRUISING: Immediately after your procedure, apply an ice pack for 10-15 minutes each hour for the first 24 hours following the procedure to reduce swelling. Area should be iced for 15 minutes on/ 45 minutes off for 4-5 hours after your procedure. Icing the following day will not help as much. Swelling usually lasts no longer than 48 hours.
Apply thin coats of A & D ointment or After-Inked morning and night, before showers, and before workouts, during the full healing process (5-7 days). Apply with a clean cotton swab; do not use your fingers. It takes about a week (usually 7-10 days) for a tattoo to heal on the surface. Healing is still occurring an additional 2-3 weeks beneath the skin.
DO NOT rub, pick, or scratch the treated area; allow it to flake off on its own. Apply aftercare ointment for any itching. Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate away. Picking can cause scarring or loss of color. If it is removed prematurely, the pigment underneath can be pulled out with the scab.
Do NOT use any makeup over the area for about a week until the epidermis is healed.
Do not workout or sweat the first 5 days after your procedure (normal activity can be resumed immediately).
For PAIN: Tylenol is recommended for temporary pain relief. Do NOT take aspirin or ibuprophen as this promotes bleeding at the micropigmentation sites.
For SCABBING & DRY TIGHTNESS: Apply aftercare ointment as directed.
For ITCHING: You may apply a hydrocortisone cream to the area for relief.
Do NOT have any travel plans for the next week following your treatment.
Keep out of the sun for 7 days. Ongoing, after 7 days, wear sunscreen to aid in the longevity of your tattoo and prevent future fading of pigment color.
Continuing for 2 weeks (14 days) after your procedure:
Do not expose the area to the sun or tanning beds. Ongoing, after 14 days, wear sunscreen to aid in the longevity of your tattoo and prevent future fading of pigment color
Do not use mascara or an eyelash curler. When you resume use, purchase a new tube of mascara; the old tube may have bacteria in it.
Do not apply peroxide or other creams (only apply the ointment given to you by the technician).
Avoid heavy sweating and long hot showers.
Avoid sleeping on your face.
Avoid swimming, lakes, hot tubs, sauna, steam room, or tanning beds.
Avoid microdermabrasion, acid peels, and acne medications such as Retin-A, as these may greatly fade or damage your new cosmetic procedure.
Other Important Reminders:
Use a fresh pillowcase.
Do not expose the treated area to full pressure of the water in the shower.
After the procedure is completely healed, you may go back to your regular cleansing and makeup routine.
If you are a blood donor, you cannot give blood for one year following your procedure (per American Red Cross).
It is advised not to “look” in the mirror for at least a week (two is better). You will find something to “pick” or worry that the color is too dark. Then you will get used to the darker look.
Failure to follow aftercare instructions may result in INFECTION, pigment loss, or discoloration.
Special Instructions: EYEBROW AFTERCARE
What to expect
SWELLING: MILD and barely noticeable.
Tenderness (day of treatment, next morning).
Dryness and itching in the treated area (as the skin heals, it begins to feel tight and/or itchy).
Flaking (begins around day 4 to about day 7); do NOT pick the flakes off.
Do NOT get eyebrows wet during the healing process (5-7 days).
Use clear A & D ointment or Afterinked during the healing process as instructed below:
When to apply
During the full healing process (5 – 7 days)
Each morning and night
Before showers
Before workouts
How to apply
Apply ointment with freshly washed hands or a Q-tip.
Leave product on for 5 – 10 minutes (or while in the shower)
Dab with a tissue or dry cotton wipe gently across each brow once to remove excess goo
Dab each brow until it is dry
After a couple of minutes dab again to ensure that nothing is left on the brow
On day 3 when scabs start to appear
Do NOT wipe ointment, only dab until dry
You must be gentle; do NOT pull off the scabs prematurely
Your brows should remain dry all day and all night
Following this procedure will ensure the formation of thin scabs, thus more color retention
Although dry healing seems to produce the best results, if the skin feels tight or itchy, you may place a thin layer of ointment on the brow throughout the day.
It is very important to keep the brows covered with ointment while in the shower or during a strenuous workout to prevent moisture from penetrating. Remove ointment per above instructions.
Do NOT dye or tweeze eyebrows for one week after the procedure!
Do NOT use any Retin A or glycolic acids in the brow area during or after healing!
Special Instructions: EYELINER AFTERCARE
What to expect
SWELLING: MODERATE. If swelling lasts beyond two days, remove all ointments and keep dry.
Eyelashes may stick together the next morning.
Puffy eyelids for 2-3 days.
Redness or mild bruising around the eye area.
Itchiness (if poor hygiene is used, an infection can occur and medical attention may be necessary).
Before bedtime, apply ointment provided by technician.
We recommend that artificial tears be used 1-2 hours. In addition to these eye drops, a steroid eye drop may be prescribed as well.
You should expect a certain amount of matting around the eyelashes in the morning, as well as swelling and / or bruising around the eyelid margins. Some pigment and blood-tinged tears may be expected to flake off from the lid margin during the first procedural day and may be carefully dabbed with a clean tissue.
Do NOT pick, scratch, or rub the eyelid margins or make any attempt to remove the crusty material along the eyelashes. Removal of the crusts may result in removal of the actual pigment.
You may clean around the eyes with a clean cotton ball soaked in warm water. Do NOT let the water come in contact with the eyelashes. Baths, showers, and swimming are permitted as long as the face does not become wet.
After two (2) weeks or after pigmentation scabs over (whichever comes first), you may resume all regular activities involving swimming or bathing.
If marked bruising is present, concealer or foundation may be used. Eye shadow may be used the following week.
Do NOT use mascara or eyeliner for the first two (2) weeks or until pigment scabs over. After this time, all regular makeup can be resumed.
What to expect
Dryness of the treated area.
Fever blisters or cold sores (treat with antiviral cream or oral tablets before during and after procedure).
Pat ointment onto lips or rub in a circular motion.